PublisherDestinationEvent_AfterPublish event

Occurs in the destination vault after publishing has ended.


PublisherDestinationEvent_AfterPublish (sourceType, sourceAddress, _
    sourceDocId, publishOptions)
Parameter Description


The name of the source system link, for example, BC Meridian or Windows file system.


The address of the source system, for example, DataStoreName@MachineName for the  BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise link.


The ID of document in the source system.


The publishing options that were applied to the job. If the options were specified in the source system client application, they are passed in this parameter. For information about the publishing options supported by a specific system link, see the system link description in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide.

If rendering fails with any rendering module and another attempt is configured, this parameter contains the text _RETRYRENDER_<ModuleName>_ . Your implementation of this event can then perform other actions in response to the failure, such as notify a system administrator, set a property value for easy document location, and so on.


Public Sub PublisherDestinationEvent_AfterPublish(sourceType, sourceAddress, _
    sourceDocId, publishOptions)
    Document.Log _
	"Published: " & _ 
	"From " & sourceType & " '" & sourceAddress & "'" & _ 
	" document with ID '" & sourceDocId & "'" & _
	" with options '" & publishOptions & "'"
End Sub