Releasing a document from a work area
Releasing a document from a work area replaces the original revision of the document in the Main area with the changes that were made to the document in the work area. If the vault is configured to retain history, the original revision becomes the previous revision in the history of the document. If the work area is configured to retain history, the revisions made to the document while it was assigned to the work area are retained for future reference. A document must be in the Released state of its document workflow to be released from the work area.
Note If the revision number of the document type is configured to use minor revision numbers while in a work area, the minor portion of the revision number is omitted from the new revision in the Main area.
If you want to release the document to the Main area only momentarily so that others may use the latest revision, you can immediately reassign it to the work area in one step.
A document may also be discarded from a work area. Discarding a document removes it from the work area and unlocks the original revision of the document in the Main area. All changes made to the document in the work area are lost.
To release a document from a work area:
- Open the work area where the document is assigned.
- Select the document that you want to release from the work area.
- On the Document menu, point to Release to Main Area and click Do Not Reassign Document. If you want to immediately reassign the document to the work area for further revisions, click Reassign Document to This Work Area instead.
To discard a document from a work area:
- Open the work area where the document is assigned.
- Select the document that you want to discard from the work area.
- On the Document menu, point to Discard from Work Area and click Do Not Reassign Document. If you want to immediately reassign the original revision of the document from the Main area to the work area for revision, click Reassign Document to This Work Area instead.
Warning Discarding a document from a work area cannot be undone. If critical changes are accidentally discarded, consider exporting a copy of the document from a moment in history prior to when it was discarded, reassigning the original revision from the Main area to the work area, and replacing its content in the present moment in time from the exported file using the native application.