Editing a work area workflow transition

You edit a workflow transition to change its name, control the effect on changed and unchanged documents, automate baseline creation, and assign a distinctive icon to represent the transition.

To edit a workflow transition:

  1. Double-click the transition you want to edit. The Properties dialog box appears.
  2. Select options or type text on the General page using the descriptions in the following table and click OK.
Work area workflow transition options
Option Description

Display name

The name displayed in the workflow diagram.


The read-only name assigned to the transition by the system.

After this transition executes, do the following for changed documents

Select an action from the list to be performed on all changed documents within the work area when the transition is executed.

After this transition executes, do the following for unchanged documents

Select an action from the list to be performed on all unchanged documents within the work area when the transition is executed.

Create work area baseline

Creates a baseline in the work area at the moment in history that the transition is executed.

Tip    This option is useful for producing automatic history bookmarks that represent project milestones. The baseline can be used to view the new revisions of documents assigned from the parent work area.

Create a baseline in the parent work area

Creates a baseline in the parent work area at the moment in history that the transition is executed.

Tip    This option is useful for producing automatic history bookmarks that represent project milestones. The baseline can be used to view the original revisions of documents assigned to a subwork area.


Select an icon to uniquely identify this transition.

Regardless of how simple or complex a work area workflow is, several of the actions that can be selected for documents when a transition executes are common best practice:

Transition action best practices
Action Best Practice

Do nothing

Typically selected for changed and unchanged documents for intermediate transitions.

Release to the parent area and do not reassign

Typically selected for a transition that represents the successful conclusion of the revision process, for example, Released. This action ensures that all revised documents are released to the Main area as the latest approved revisions at the same time.

Revoke changes and do not reassign from the parent area

Typically selected for a transition that represents the unsuccessful conclusion of the revision process, for example, Discarded. This action ensures that any unapproved revisions are discarded and the original revisions in the parent work area remain effective.