Document privileges

Document privileges control access to document data and commands within the folders to which the privileges have been assigned. If the Use Document Type Security option is enabled for the vault, these privileges are available for each document type.

Document privileges
Privilege Description

Add To Briefcase

Allows the user to add documents to a briefcase. For information on configuring briefcases, see Understanding briefcases.

Note    The View Content (document) privilege is also required.

Attach Hybrid Part

Allows the user to attach a hybrid part file to a hybrid main part document that is under change, either using drag and drop or, in the case of CAD documents, by saving the main part document with its native application when the application link is loaded. For information on creating hybrid document types, see Assigning document types to imported files.

Change Document Type

Allows the user to change the document type of an existing document. It can be useful after a bulk import to assign the correct document types to each of the imported documents.

Warning     Be aware that changing the document type may mean that some properties are not displayed anymore if the new document type uses different property pages. However, the associated values for these properties are not lost; they are just not shown. For more information on document types, see Creating and editing document types.

Change Properties

Allows the user to edit the property values of documents.

Change Revision Number Manually

Allows the user to change the revision number of documents manually. For information on configuration revision numbers, see Configuring document revision numbers.

Confirm Superseded

Allows the user to confirm that a project copy is obsolete because the master document has changed since the project copy was made.

Confirm Merge

Allows the user to confirm that the changes that have been made to a project copy have been manually merged into the master document.

Convert to Hybrid

Allows the user to change the revision number of documents manually. For information on configuration revision numbers, see Configuring document revision numbers.

Copy Outside Vault

Allows the user to copy documents (including renditions) to outside the vault and download documents with Meridian Power.

  • Users also need the Edit in Application privilege to be able to download source documents with Meridian Power.
  • Meridian Power users need this permission to be able to view documents (except with server-based viewers) because a copy of the document is made outside the vault in the user’s Local Workspace.

Copy With References

Allows the user to copy documents including all references. For more information on using references, see Understanding reference types.

Delete Hybrid Part

Allows the user to delete a part from its parent hybrid document. For information about configuring hybrid document types, see Configuring document type general options. Hybrid documents can also be created during import as described in Assigning document types to imported files.

Derive With References

Allows the user to derive a new document from an existing document, including all references. For more information on using references, see Understanding reference types.

Detach Hybrid Part

Allows the user to detach (but not delete) a part from its parent hybrid document. For information about configuring hybrid document types, see Configuring document type general options. Hybrid documents can also be created during import as described in Assigning document types to imported files.

Discard from Project

Allows the user to discard a project copy from a project folder. The project copy is destroyed along with all changes made to it and cannot be restored.

Draft Print

Allows the user to print documents using the viewer.


This privilege cannot prevent printing from Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader in Protected Mode.

Batch printing from Adobe Reader is not supported.

Edit In Application

Allows the user to edit a document in its native application.

Note    This privilege is also required for the Replace Content, Release as Master Revision, and Lock Document commands in Meridian Power in addition to the other more directly related privileges. Similarly, documents are locked in the user’s local workspace by the Download Document and Open commands in Meridian Power if the user also has this privilege.

Edit Redlines Outside Workflow

Allows the user to redline released documents.

Edit Rendition Redlines Outside Workflow

Allows the user to redline released document renditions.

Edit Retention Properties

Allows the user to edit the properties shown on the Retention property page.

Issue file name

Allows the user to use the Issue New file name command to rename the selected documents according to the calculation specified for their document type. For more information on calculating file names, see Creating and editing document types.

Note    The Rename privilege is also required.

Link to Master

Allows the user to link a master document to a new document that was not copied from the master document.

Lock master document

Required to run the Lock Master Document command to prevent changes to the master document by document workflow or project copies.

Manually Update Rendition

Allows the user to manually replace the content of document renditions using drag-and-drop.


Allows the user to rename a document after it has been created.

Release as master revision

Required to run the Release as Master Revision command and for other commands that can change the content of a project copy.

Show Revisions

Allows the user to view the revision history of documents.

Unlock from Briefcase

Allows the user to unlock documents that have been checked out to a briefcase or locked to a package. For information on configuring briefcases, see Understanding briefcases.

Unlock from Project

Allows the user to unlock documents that are locked in a project folder. For more information about project folders, see Understanding project definitions.

Update master document

Required to run the Release as Master Revision command to produce a new revision of a master document.

View Content

Allows the user to view documents in the viewer window. Use the View Rendition privilege to control access to document renditions.

  • This privilege is also required to add documents to a briefcase.
  • If a user has not been granted this privilege but a rendition of the document exists, the rendition will be shown in the viewer.

View Redlines

Allows the user to view redlines created using the viewer.

View Rendition

Allows the user to view renditions using the viewer.

View Rendition Properties

Allows the user to view the Rendition property page.

View Rendition Redlines

Allows the user to view rendition redlines created using the viewer.