BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 VBScript API Reference
Setting property values based on workflow transitions
It can be convenient for some property values to be set automatically at specific transitions in a document’s workflow. This can be done by determining the state to which a document is being routed and setting property values accordingly. Meridian provides many constants that you can use, including the AS_WF_STATE enumeration used in the following example.
Sub DocWorkflowEvent_AfterChangeWFState(Batch, SourceState, TargetState, Person, Comment)
If TargetState = AS_WF_APPROVED Then
Document.ApprovedOn = vbDate
Document.ApprovedBy = User.FullName
End If
If TargetState = AS_WF_UNDERCHANGE Then
Document.ApprovedOn = Null
Document.ApprovedBy = ""
End If
End Sub