BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 VBScript API Reference

DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected event

Occurs after the project folder selection dialog box has been shown to the user to select the destination folder for a new project copy document. Also shown to select a master document folder when releasing new project documents as new master documents.

The project folder selection dialog box can be controlled with the ProjectWorkflowEvent_PrepareBrowser, ProjectWorkflowEvent_InitializeExpandItem, and ProjectWorkflowEvent_BeforeExpandItem event procedures described in the BlueCielo Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module Configuration Guide.


DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected (Batch, SelectedFolder)





An object that represents the batch of master documents the user has selected.


The name of the folder selected by the user.


If Client.Confirmation (AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD) is False after the DocGenericEvent_BeforeNewDocument event and Document.ParentFolder is not a valid folder at the time that the new document properties must be set, the folder selection dialog box is shown before the DocGenericEvent_OnProperties event in order to set the destination folder.

If Client.Confirmation (AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD) is True after the DocGenericEvent_OnProperties event and Document.ParentFolder is still not a valid folder, the folder selection dialog box is shown before the DocGenericEvent_AfterNewDocument event.

The selected folder is set as the Folder object in the DocGenericEvent_OnProperties and DocGenericEvent_AfterNewDocument events.