BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide

Showing master and project copies

With the potential for multiple project copies to be made from a single master document, it may be difficult to track where all the project copies are located. Conversely, it may be difficult to locate the master document from which a specific project copy was made. Meridian Power makes it easy to see both master documents and all of the project copies made from them in a single view with the Show Project Copies command.

To view the references between master documents and project copies:

  1. Right-click either a master document or a project copy, point to Master/Project CopyManaged Change, and then click Show master and project copies on the shortcut menu that appears.


    Select either a master document or a project copy and then on the Document page next to the document name, click the Show master and project copies icon .

    The Master and Project Copies page appears and shows the current document and its references to the other documents in its family. The row of the current document is highlighted so that you know where you are within the family.

    Tip    The work-in-progress icon is red   for master documents, blue   for project copies, and crossed shovels   for inactive project copies.

  2. To see the path of a document:
    • Hover the pointer over the document name.

    To use the shortcut menu for the document:

    • Right-click the document name.

    To hide obsolete project copies:

    • Click Hide inactive project copies.

      Active project copies are those project copies that have not yet been reconciled with the master document. That is, either superseded by the master document or merged with the master document.

      Inactive project copies are those project copies that have already been reconciled with their master document.

    To return to the selected document:

    • Click Close.