BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide
Editing a work area workflow state
You edit a workflow state to change its name, enable subwork areas, and force document revisions to occur in subwork areas.
To edit a workflow state:
- Double-click the state you want to edit. The Properties dialog box appears.
- Select options or type text on the General or Sub-work Area pages using the descriptions in the following table and click OK.
Option | Description |
Display name |
The name displayed in the workflow diagram. |
Name |
The read-only name assigned to the state by the system. |
Type |
The read-only state type, either Intermediate state or End state. |
In this state, the following types of sub-work areas may be created |
Select the work area templates that you want to be available for creating subwork areas. |
Documents can only be created or revised in these sub-work areas |
Enable this option to restrict document creation and revision to the selected subwork areas. |