BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide

Attaching parts to a hybrid document

You may attach any number of parts to a hybrid document.

Before you begin    The main document must be under change by you in a workflow before you can attach parts to it. For information about using workflows, see Working with document workflows.

To attach parts to a hybrid document:

  1. Select the main document to which you want to attach part documents. The property pages of the selected document appear.
  2. On the Edit menu, select Create New Part. The Create New Hybrid Part dialog box appears with the name of the main document as the default name for the new hybrid part.
  3. Verify the name of the hybrid part and click OK. The new part appears in the Available hybrid parts list on the Hybrid Parts page. To upload a file as content for the new part, see Uploading hybrid part content.