BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide

Viewing and saving the audit log

If enabled for a vault, the Meridian Enterprise FDA Module allows you to view and save audit log data if you have the appropriate permission. You do so by opening the audit log viewer from within Meridian Enterprise. The audit log viewer opens in a new browser window. There you can filter and sort the data to meet your needs. You can then save the data as a file that you can open in other programs such as Microsoft Excel to format and print the data.

Before you begin    You must have the View Audit Log privilege to use this command.

To view the audit log data:

  • In the Vault ribbon, in the View group, click Audit Log. A page titled Audit log opens in a browser window similar to the following figure.

To view the audit log data:

  • On the Tools menu, click View Audit Report. A page titled Audit Log opens in a browser window similar to the following figure.

The log entries are sorted on the column indicated by the arrow icon in the column heading. Your privileges to view the audit log are shown at the bottom of the page.

To change the sort order or select a filter:

  • Point to a column heading, click the arrow button that appears, and click the sort option or filter that you want on the shortcut menu that appears.

    If you selected a sort option, the arrow icon appears in that column heading. If you selected a filter, the filter icon appears in that column heading.

To save the current audit log data:

  1. If necessary, arrange, sort, and filter the data as described in the preceding task.
  2. Click EXPORT. Your web browser will attempt to download the file to your computer. If your browser's security settings block the download, you might need to adjust the settings and retry this procedure.
  3. Accept the default location and filename or specify a different location or filename, if necessary. The file is saved.
  4. Open the file in any program that is compatible with .xlsx files to format and print the data.