BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Supported Software

BlueCielo Publisher system links

The following applications are supported as publishing sources or destinations by the BlueCielo Publisher versions indicated. Only the application versions within the same column are supported by each BlueCielo Publisher version.

Supported document repositories
Application Version 2016 2017 2017
2018 2018
Meridian Enterprise vault
Windows file system
SharePoint Server 2016 (Foundation, Standard, Enterprise Editions)1
SharePoint Server 2013 (Foundation, Standard, Enterprise Editions)1
SharePoint Server 2010 (Foundation, Standard, Enterprise Editions)
BlueCielo Project Portal (Kronodoc) 2012 SP3 and higher
EMC Documentum 6.52
  1. The SharePoint system link supports SharePoint Online only as a destination system and only using the Azure Active Directory Identity Provider for claims-based authentication.
  2. Available only in projects performed by BlueCielo Professional Services.