BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Release Notes

Client improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Meridian Enterprise client applications:

Client improvements
ID Description


The special Tags and Where Used external pages in the Meridian Web Client are no longer supported. Enable the built-in Objects and Where Used pages with VBScript as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module Administrator's Guide instead.

MRE-2222 Asset proxy objects now appear with the file extension .tag instead of .object in the Meridian clients.
MRE-2274 A new setting LockOnCheckout has been added to the Meridian Web Access web server registry. The setting can also be added to individual users’ Web Access profile files. It controls whether documents are locked in users’ local workspaces by workflow actions that place the documents in an editable state.


How the Meridian Web Client manages documents with many references has been improved. Viewing is now faster and more stable.


Fixed an inconsistency in how multi-value properties are shown in the Meridian Web Client and PowerUser.

For more information, see BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User's Guide.