BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Configuration Guide

Understanding language support

Meridian Enterprise supports different languages to enable global collaboration with BlueCielo products in the following ways:

  • It can be installed with its user interface localized in the languages listed in BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Supported Software.
  • Documentation is available in several different languages from your BlueCielo Partner.
  • It supports installation on any language version of the supported operating systems and any selected system locale.
  • Its interfaces with other systems communicate in Unicode, if available.
  • Vault data is stored in Unicode format regardless of where the data is stored.

Note    An exception is the Name property of configuration objects (property definitions, property pages, views, and so on) in a vault. This property is used internally by Meridian Enterprise and is not visible to end users. The corresponding Display Name property is visible to end users. Name property values are permanent once set, but the Display Name property can be changed. The Display Name property can contain double-byte characters (for example, Japanese) and should be used for localized names. The (internal) Name property can only contain ASCII characters and cannot be empty.

When entering a Display Name value, if it contains ASCII characters, the Name property defaults automatically to the same value. But if a Display Name value contains double-byte language characters, the default Name value is not set and must be typed manually using ASCII characters.