BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Configuration Guide

Configuring watermark printing

You can configure watermark text to appear on hard copies made with the Meridian viewer, similar to the following figure.

This can be useful to indicate unapproved drawings, expiration dates, time stamps, and so on. You can configure the following characteristics of watermarks:

  • Text, which can include property values
  • Font, size, color, and transparency of the text
  • Position on the printed page and angle of the text
  • Title text to appear as the header or footer of the printed page

The watermark options are set with VBScript in the DocGenericEvent_BeforePrint event procedure because it is invoked immediately before printing occurs. For more information on customizing event procedures, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference.

  • These watermarks appear on hard copy output from the viewer and are independent of watermarks that can be added to renditions by BlueCielo Publisher as described in the BlueCielo Publisher Administrator’s Guide.
  • These watermarks appear on hard copy output from the viewer in Meridian Explorer if it has been configured to do so as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Explorer Administrator’s Guide.
  • These watermarks can be rotated to match the page rotation of specific printers using these registry values described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyco\AutoManager View Control2\Settings\AVLandscape
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Cyco\AutoManager View Control2\Settings\AVLandscape

Watermarks use the Client.Viewer.Watermark properties described in the following table. You do not have to use all of the properties, only the ones necessary to produce the results you want.

Watermark options
Property Type Description



The angle of the watermark text in degrees.



The color of the watermark text, specified as an AS_WATERMARK_COLORS constant.



The font of the watermark text. Can be any installed Windows font.



The width of a line framing the printed page.



The font size of the watermark text in points.



The position of the watermark text on the printed page using one or more AS_WATERMARK_STYLES constants. To combine style options, use the Or operator.



The watermark text to print.



The font of the title text. Can be any installed Windows font.



The font size of the title text in points.



The position of the title text on the printed page using one or more AS_WATERMARK_TITLESTYLES constants. To combine style options, use the Or operator. You can specify only one title. You cannot print one title in the header and another title in the footer.



The title text to print. Title text is always printed in black.



The transparency of the watermark text in percent.

Following is an example event procedure that incorporates all of the watermark properties and produces a watermark, frame, and title similar to those in the preceding figure.

Sub DocGenericEvent_BeforePrint(Batch)
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Angle = 45
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Color = AS_WMC_RED
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Font = "Arial"
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.FrameWidth = 2
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Size = 36
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Style = AS_WMS_CENTER_HORZ Or AS_WMS_CENTER_VERT
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Text = "NOT FOR USE" & vbCrLf & "UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT"
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleFont = "Arial"
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleFontSize = 10
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleStyle = AS_WMTS_CENTRED Or AS_WMTS_HEADER
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleText = "Printed by: " & User.FullName & " on: " & DateValue(Today)
    Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Transparency = 90
End Sub
  • All values for Color are converted to grey
  • Values for Angle other than 0, 90, 180, and 270 are converted to diagonal
  • All values for Transparency are ignored and watermarks are printed semi-transparent
  • All values of Style that specify positioning are ignored and watermarks are centered on the page
  • Frames (AS_WMS_DRAWFRAME constant) are not supported
  • TitleText is converted to header text unless it includes the special markup tags <H></H> that enclose the header text and <F></F> that enclose the footer text.