BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Administrator's Guide

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\AMFind\

Registry values
Value Name Data Type Value Data



One of the following numbers:

1 Equals

2 Less than

3 More than

4 Less or equal to

5 More or equal to

6 Not equal to

9 Is empty

10 Is not empty

11 Contains

12 Does not contain

13 Starts with

14 Does not start with

15 As DOS wildcard

If the value is missing or invalid, the default condition Contains (11) is used.


DWORD If this value is 0 (default), system properties are not included in the property lists that are shown on the Property Assignments pages of workflow states and transitions. If this value is 1, the system properties are included. This value can be modified in the user interface by enabling the Show system properties option on the configuration pages.



If this value is 1 (default), the Find dialog stores the last used search settings and reloads them when it is run the next time. If this value is 0, settings are not saved.