Viewing and editing properties

For most purposes, you can view the properties of a document on the property pages that are described in Understanding property pages. If you have the appropriate privilege, you can also view the same properties plus advanced information and hidden properties.


Editing properties is important to keep the values accurate for effective searching. Without accurate metadata, searching for documents can result in finding the wrong documents or no documents at all.

To edit the properties of a document:

  1. Select the document whose properties you want to change.
  2. If the Document page is not visible:
    • In the view bar, click the Document icon .
  3. Click the tab to show the property page that contains the property that you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit. The properties become editable.
  5. Change the value of the properties by typing text, selecting values, or selecting checkboxes. Properties that require you to set a value are indicated by a red triangle icon .
  6. Click OK to save your changes.

To view a document’s advanced information and hidden properties:

  1. On the Document property page of the document, click the document icon in the upper left corner of the page. The Advanced and Stored Properties tabs appear. You cannot edit properties on these pages.
  2. Click the Advanced tab to show the advanced information. Click the Stored Properties tab to show all properties of the document grouped by property set. To see the properties in a property set, click the expand icon next to the property set name. If a column isn’t wide enough to show all of a property value, double-click the column heading to expand it.

To view a document’s advanced information and hidden properties:

Related tasks

Opening a document from within Meridian

Changing a document’s type

Setting a property value

Changing the revision number of an existing document

Issuing a new file name