Detaching parts of a hybrid document

Detaching a part of a hybrid document separates the part and makes it an independent document.


To delete a part from a hybrid document:

  1. Display the property pages for the hybrid document for which you want to detach parts.
  2. Click Hybrid Parts in the upper right corner of the page. The Hybrid Parts page appears, listing the names of the hybrid parts attached to the selected document.
  3. Select the hybrid part that you want to detach. The Document property page for the selected part appears.
  4. On the Edit menu, select Delete. The Delete Hybrid Part dialog box appears.
  5. Click Yes. The hybrid part disappears from the Available hybrid parts list and is deleted from the vault.

To detach a part of a hybrid document:

  1. Right-click the part document that you want to detach and select Detach Part from the shortcut menu that appears.
  2. If only one document type is configured for the file type that you are detaching, that document type is assigned to the detached document. If more than one document type is configured, a dialog box appears in which you can select from among the document types.

Related concepts

Working with hybrid documents

Related tasks

Importing hybrid documents

Attaching parts to a hybrid document

Converting normal documents into hybrid documents