Configuring the Revisions settings

The Revisions settings of the Document Import Tool determine:

To configure the Revisions settings:

  1. Click Revisions in the left pane. The Revisions property page opens in the right pane.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Revisions options
Option Description

Create new revisions for updated documents

Updates documents within workflows from the imported documents. This is most useful if you regularly receive document updates from an external business partner.

Replace contents for documents in workflow

Prevents the creation of a new revision and updates the existing file.

Create new revision for document in workflow

Leaves the current revision intact and creates a new revision with the imported document.

Import files as new documents

Prevents any revision creation and imports the files as new documents in the vault.

Import revisions as derivatives of the same document

Creates a derivative for the matching document with the imported document.

Import revisions as replacements of the same document

Creates a replacement for the matching document with the imported document.

Skip document if it already exists

Prevents importing documents that already exist in the vault.

Import existing documents to the specified folder

Vault folder to import documents into that have the same name and revision as specified by the Property in the vault that identifies document revision and Database field that identifies revision options.

Property in the vault that identifies document revision

Select a property in the vault that identifies the document revision number of existing documents. In almost all cases, this should be the Revision Number – Versioning property. cleared if Import files as new documents is enabled.

Database field that identifies revision

Select a field in the data source file that contains values in common with the vault documents to which the imported documents should become revisions. This should be a field that contains metadata like the document name, file name, document number, drawing number, and so on. cleared if Import files as new documents is enabled.

Database field that contains the revision number

Select a field in the data source file that contains the revision number of the imported documents. The values in this field will be placed in the property chosen for Property in the vault that identifies revision, which identifies the document revision. cleared if Import files as new documents is enabled.

Related concepts

About importing documents

About the Document Import Tool

Importing assemblies

Importing hybrid documents

Related tasks

Importing files using drag and drop

Creating an import data source file

Loading a configuration file

Controlling the Document Import Tool

Monitoring an import

Configuring data source settings

Configuring the Miscellaneous settings

Configuring the Initialize Properties settings