Customization improvements
The following improvements have been made to the Meridian Enterprise customization (VBScript) features:
The property Vault.HasFeature property has been added to detect which optional features, such as email notifications or modules, are enabled for the current vault.
- The method Document.GetNavigationViewLevelPath has been added. It returns an array that contains the level names where the current document is located in a specified view.
- The global property CurrentPropertyName has been added. This property contains the name of the property being affected by the current configuration expression and can be used in custom functions to perform more advanced actions than are possible in a single expression statement.
- The Folder object has a new Roles property. This property is a new Roles object with Assignments and InheritedFromParent properties and AddAssignment, Clear, and DeleteAssignment methods.
- The VBScript editor toolbar has a new button Go to Line (Ctrl + G) for quickly finding a specific line of code by number, such as the line numbers shown when debugging script.
- The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + S and F12 have been added to the VBScript editor to save the current code block.
- The VBScript property Client.ClientID did not return the correct value in the Office Client.
- A new method Document.ProjectCopy.UnlinkFromMaster has been added. It removes the reference between the master document and a project copy and unlocks the master document if it was locked by the project copy that is unlinked.
- New events DocProjectCopyEvent.BeforeUnlinkFromMaster and DocProjectCopyEvent.BeforeUnlinkFromMaster have been added. These events occur when the Unlink from Master Document command or Document.ProjectCopy.UnlinkFromMaster method executes.
- New events DocGenericEvent.BeforeCreateReference, DocGenericEvent.AfterCreateReference, DocGenericEvent.BeforeDeleteReference, and DocGenericEvent.AfterDeleteReference have been added.
- Creating custom properties with the same names as system properties is now prevented in Configurator.
- A new method BCRepository.GetDeletedObjects has been added to the .NET interop assembly. The method returns a table view of the folders, documents, and tag objects that have been deleted in the vault between two specified dates.
- A new constant AS_CONFIRM_ROOT_SELECTION has been added that, when set to False prevents selection of the root of the vault in the project folder selection dialog box that is shown when project copies are made. The New Folder button is also now enabled in this dialog depending on the user's privileges.
- Eight new VBScript functions are available from the Meridian Asset Management Module link with AutoCAD P&ID. For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module Administrator's Guide.
- New functions AMMWhereUsedManageLinksIsAllowed and AMMTagsManageLinksIsAllowed have been added to the Meridian Asset Management Module VBScript API. The functions control the availability of the Manage Links button in the Manage Document Links and Manage Object Links dialog boxes.
- The DocCopyMoveEvent_PrepareCopy
event now occurs for most actions that create new documents without using a template or that create copies of documents. This was done to support drag-and-drop and Clipboard document creation. The event also provides a place in which to programmatically set the destination folder and to suppress the destination folder selection dialog using the AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD and AS_CONFIRM_IMPORT_FOLDER constants. If a vault already implements this event for other use cases, it should be evaluated for compatibility with the new actions in which it occurs and modified to distinguish between the different use cases using the Client.ImportType or Client.ImportDetails properties, if necessary.
For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference Guide or the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise .NET API Reference Guide.