HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\Licensing

Registry values
Value Name Data Type Value Data



License server activity logging. The logged data can be viewed in the BlueCielo-LicenseServer event log.

The possible values are:

0 - Disable logging (default)
1 - Log only rejected license requests
2 - Log only successfully claimed licenses
3 - Log all claimed and rejected licenses

Note    The higher the value, the more messages will be added to the event log. Non-default values should only be set for troubleshooting.



User group name to use reserved licenses for the corresponding product. Domain user groups can be used as well as local. See Reserving licenses.



License prefix of a product to reserved licenses (for example, M—PUR for PowerUser). See Reserving licenses.



Interval in minutes that the License Server should wait to reread information from this registry section. See Reserving licenses.


If this value is 1 (default), license server logging is enabled. If this value is 0, logging is disabled.

Log_FileName String License server log file name. The default is %temp%\BCLicense.log where %temp% is the environment variable of the user specified by BackupServers_User.
Log_FileSize DWORD

Maximum license server log file size (8 MB by default).

There might be many error messages when a connection is interrupted between license servers. When this limit is reached, only the most recent messages are stored. Each time the license server service starts, the log file is recreated.



To log additional events when named licenses are reclaimed by the same user, set to 1. The default is 0, no additional events.