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What's New in Meridian Enterprise Server 2013

BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2013 together with BlueCielo Publisher 2013 has been integrated into the new BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server. Meridian Enterprise Server (not to be confused with the flagship product Meridian Enterprise) is a web-based service platform for BlueCielo products. Meridian Enterprise Server combines the features of BlueCielo Publisher and Meridian Explorer into a single, more scalable solution for technical documentation publishing and online delivery.

BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 (and higher) is a complete replacement for prior versions of BlueCielo Publisher and Meridian Explorer that has been completely redesigned and reprogrammed. This allows Meridian Enterprise Server to provide additional functionality over prior versions of those products. Although Meridian Enterprise Server has most of the same features as prior versions of BlueCielo Publisher and Meridian Explorer, the products are not compatible and Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 should not be considered as an in-place upgrade for those products. For Meridian Enterprise Server system requirements, installation, and upgrade instructions, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide. For experienced administrators, a shorter BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server Quick Start Guide is also available.

Meridian Enterprise Server provides a web-based administration console named Configurator for all BlueCielo Publisher and Meridian Explorer configuration. The BlueCielo Application Manager is no longer needed to configure Publisher and the prior configuration user interface of Meridian Explorer has been replaced. Many administrative tasks can be performed as background tasks so that the administrator can continue working and complete the tasks later. No client software installation is required to administer Meridian Enterprise Server. Everything can be done through the modern, fluid, web interface that dynamically reveals details, uses popup dialog boxes for most user input, and minimizes page refreshes and reloads. The style is flatter, simpler, and similar to Windows 8 and Windows Store apps. Like BlueCielo Publisher and Meridian Explorer before it, Meridian Enterprise Server stores all data in standard MS SQL Server or Oracle databases. This includes configuration settings (no more registry editing) and a complete audit log of all system activity.

The major new features of Meridian Explorer in Meridian Enterprise Server include:

The improvements to existing features include:

The installation procedure for creating an iPad website on the Meridian Enterprise Server web server was excluded from the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide in the Meridian Enterprise Server setup package. The correct procedure is in the following topic.