You are here: Release 2013 SP1 > What's New in Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 SP1
What's New in Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 SP1
The new features and improvements of Meridian Enterprise Server include:
- A new setting DisableImpersonationForBCM has been added to the WebConfigDto.dat file. This can be set to True to disable impersonation as the end user for security delegation when Meridian Enterprise and Meridian Enterprise Server are installed on different computers. This prevents the Kerberos double hop problem.
- New settings ServerDateFormat and ServerTimeFormat have been added to the language resource files. These settings can be used to specify how dates and times are shown in the results list and on property pages.
- When used with SQL Server and the FILESTREAM option was enabled, the file sizes of the copies of the documents in the repository could be incorrect, which could cause the viewer or the native application to fail to load the documents.
- Importing Active Directory groups into BlueCielo groups could cause an Invalid account name error in multiple domain environments.
- The default email address of new messages is now blank.
- New permissions Download native document and Download rendition have been added to provide control over the downloading of files.
- Timeout errors could occur when executing Meridian Explorer synchronization jobs.
- The visibility and appearance of the viewer window has been improved under certain conditions when the Enable preview option is enabled.
- The default size of generated thumbnail images is now 300x200.
- A new option Enable search on object tag name has been added to view definitions. If enabled, this adds a Object Tag Name field to the default search form and to the advanced search form. Users can type a name (supported by autocomplete) in the field or select one from the list. The search result will show only the documents that are related to the selected object tag.
This condition can be combined with other search criteria.