You are here: About property sets and properties > Creating and editing custom properties > Configuring empty property synchronization

Configuring empty property synchronization

By default, Meridian Enterprise synchronizes an empty custom property only if it contained a value and a user deleted that value. Each such property requires multiple operations to find the previous value of the property. If a document uses many custom properties, these operations can negatively affect system performance, particularly if network performance is not optimal or for batch operations with many documents.

To prevent this affect, you can:

To configure empty property synchronization:

  1. In Configurator, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Application Link Settings. The settings for each link appear in property pages in the right pane.
  2. Click the Application Integration tab. The Application Integration settings page appears in the right pane.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the settings.

Tip    To export the settings file to your computer, click the Export button. This can be useful if you would rather edit the file in your favorite text editor. You can then copy your changes to the Clipboard and paste them into Configurator.

  1. Locate the CheckBlankPropertiesAssigned setting. If it does not yet exist, create it in the [Vault] section.
  2. Set it to one of the values described in the following table.
Supported values
Value Description


Empty properties are not synchronized


An empty property is only synchronized if it contained a value and a user deleted that value (default)


Empty properties are always synchronized

For example:


  1. Click OK to save your changes.

If this setting is not found, Meridian Enterprise checks the registry value CheckBlankPropertiesAssigned to control the synchronization.

The value can be found in the following client registry keys that support the same possible values and are described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\AMLink\Settings
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\AMDocUpdateUtl\Settings

The setting described in this topic overrides both registry values and controls synchronization for all application links.