Named licenses are assigned to specific users when an unassigned license is claimed for the first time. The user will then retain exclusive use of that license until they have not used it for 90 days, at which time the license is released and may be claimed by another user. You may assign claimed licenses to other users instead of waiting for the 90 days to elapse, such as for an extended absence.
The default method to reassign named licenses is in the Meridian Enterprise Server Administration console as described in the BlueCieloMeridian Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide. If necessary, licenses may be reassigned in the BlueCieloMeridian Enterprise Administrator program run on the Meridian application server. The License Server branch in Meridian Enterprise Administrator is hidden by default. To reveal it, set the NodesMask registry value as described in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\AMAdmin.
To reassign a named license: