You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > About Meridian network administration > Integrating Meridian with Meridian Enterprise Server

Integrating Meridian with Meridian Enterprise Server

When Meridian is deployed in a network together with Meridian Enterprise Server, Meridian can use the user accounts and groups defined in Meridian Enterprise Server instead of those defined in Meridian Enterprise Administrator. This is valuable to administer the users and groups for both Meridian and Meridian Explorer from a single, central location, particularly if it is linked to your Microsoft Active Directory.

To use Meridian Enterprise Server users and groups:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Administrator, click EDM Server in the left pane. The active vaults are listed in the right pane.
  2. From the Action menu, select Properties. The EDM Server Properties dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Settings tab. The Settings options appear.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Meridian Enterprise Server options
Option Description

Enterprise Server web server group


The server name, port, and UPN to connect to the Meridian Enterprise Server web server, for example, MyServer:8686@MYDOMAIN\UserName.

Enterprise Server application server group

Computer running the Enterprise Server services

The name of the Meridian Enterprise Server computer, for example, MyServer.

Use Enterprise Server for user management

If enabled, Meridian uses the users and groups defined in Meridian Enterprise Server. If disabled, it uses the users and groups described in About Meridian user administration.

Note    When this option is enabled, the reserved word $$UserDB cannot be used in VBScript with the Vault.ExecSQL method to access the Meridian Enterprise Server user database.

  1. Click OK to save your changes.

Related concepts

About Meridian user administration

Understanding Meridian role based security

Related tasks

Creating user accounts

Creating user groups

Creating a rescue account for security administration

Securing the back door account