You are here: Understanding the Meridian event procedures > About the briefcase events > BrcEvent_MatchDocument event

BrcEvent_MatchDocument event

Occurs after the Import from Briefcase dialog box is shown and occurs for each file in the briefcase.


BrcEvent_MatchDocument (Batch, Briefcase, DocumentID)





An object that represents the files contained within the briefcase.


An object that represents the briefcase file.


Global ID of the vault document to match to the current briefcase record. Will contain a value if a matching document has already been found or may be set to a specific document.


Use this method to match vault documents to files within a briefcase for which no or insufficient metadata exists. The current briefcase metadata record is available as a Briefcase.CurrentRecord property object.

Note    Implementing this event will delay the opening and refreshing of the briefcase dialog box.


Sub BrcEvent_MatchDocument(Batch, Briefcase, DocumentID)
    Dim strFileName  'The filename we are looking for
    Dim objDocsFound 'Result of search
    Dim arrFindCriteria
    If Len (DocumentID) = 0 Then
        strFileName = Briefcase.CurrentRecord.Filename  
        arrFindCriteria = Array(_
            Array("SYS.Rootbranch", IC_OP_EQUALS, GetWipBranchName()))
        Set objDocsFound = Vault.FindDocuments(strFileName, Empty,_
            arrFindCriteria, False)
        If objDocsFound.Count > 0 Then
            DocumentID = objDocsFound.Document(0).ID
        End If
    End If
End Sub

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