You are here: About vaults > Understanding the Main area of a vault

Understanding the Main area of a vault

The Main area of a vault is where all approved and released (also known as as-built) documents reside. For Meridian, the Main area is the entire vault. Meridian users can create compartments within the vault called work areas. A document in the Main area can be assigned for change to a work area, and when the change is completed, the document can be released back to the Main area. It is possible to configure the vault so that new documents (or modifications to existing documents) cannot be created in the Main area, but only in work areas. In this way, the Main area holds only the latest released documents. This is useful if most users need to see the latest versions of documents, but you do not want them to see the work in progress.

Documents in the Main area may be organized into folders just as users organize other files on their computers. The folder structure can be configured to meet your organization’s unique needs. Security can be applied to this folder structure area so that inadvertent editing or deleting cannot take place.

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