[This documentation is for preview only, is not supported, and is subject to change in later releases.]

using System;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Linq;

using System.Net;


namespace MS.SDKMSDNKeywordIndex


    public class TocNodeViewModel : TreeViewItemViewModel


        readonly TocNode _tocNode;

        private HelpApiShim api = new HelpApiShim();


        public TocNodeViewModel(TocNode node)

            : base(null, true)


            _tocNode = node;



        public TocNodeViewModel(TocNode tocNode, TocNodeViewModel parentNode)

            : base(parentNode, true)


            _tocNode = tocNode;



        public string Title


            get { return _tocNode.Title; }



        public string Url


            get { return _tocNode.Url; }



        public string Id


            get { return _tocNode.Id; }



        protected override void LoadChildren()


            if (_tocNode.hasChildren)




                    foreach (TocNode node in api.GetTocNodes(_tocNode))


                        base.Children.Add(new TocNodeViewModel(node, this));



                catch (WebException )



                    //retart the agent, get a new API instance due to PID change

                    api = new HelpApiShim();





