Connection GetDocumentLocation Method BlueCielo Meridian Connection API 2013 Reference Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Returns a full path in UNC format or the relative path within the vault that can be used by any Windows application to read from or write to a document. The document needs to be in the Under Change state for it to be writable.

Namespace: ICMeridianAPI
Assembly: ICMeridianAPI (in ICMeridianAPI.dll) Version: (

public string GetDocumentLocation(
	string vaultidentifier,
	string docid,
	bool relativepath = false


Type: OnlineSystem String
The vault in which the document resides.
Type: OnlineSystem String
The unique identifier of the document inside the vault.
relativepath (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem Boolean
Optional Boolean. True to return a relative path, False to return an absolute path.

Return Value

Path to the document

For this method to work with a full path, AMFS needs to be running.
See Also