Searches for documents inside the vault. Returns a variant array of document identifiers matching the
find parameters.
Namespace: ICMeridianAPIAssembly: ICMeridianAPI (in ICMeridianAPI.dll) Version: (
- vaultidentifier
- Type:
System String
The vault to search.
- Wildcard (Optional)
- Type:
System String
Optional file-system wildcard pattern. By default "*.*"
- documenttypenames (Optional)
- Type:
System Object
Optional variant. A variant array of names of document types to restrict the documents included in the search result. If this parameter is not specified, all document types will match.
- properties (Optional)
- Type:
System Object
Optional variant. A variant array of property names that are used as search criteria.
- criterias (Optional)
- Type:
System Object
Optional variant. A variant array of criterias. An option of the Find command is a criterion operator (labeled as Condition in the PowerUser client). A typical criterion has three parts: a property, an operator, and a value. For example, Custom.ProjectNr equals 2134, where equals is the operator.
- values (Optional)
- Type:
System Object
Optional variant. A variant array of values for the properties provided in the properties parameter. The length of the lists should be identical.
Return Value
An array of strings containing document identifiers matching the find criteria.Remarks
- contains, in, C, *, OP_CONTAINS
- doswildcard
- empty, EM, OP_EMPTY
- equals, equal E, EQ, =, OP_EQUALS
- less, L, <, OP_LESS)
- less equal, LE, <=, OP_LESS_EQUAL
- like, LI, %, OP_LIKE
- more, M, >, OP_MORE)
- more equal, ME, >=, OP_MORE_EQUAL
- not contains, NC, NOT IN, OP_NOT_CONTAINS
- not empty, NEM, OP_ NOT_EMPTY
- not equal, NEQ, NE, <>, OP_NOT_EQUAL
- not like, NLI, NL, OP_NOT_LIKE
- not startwith, NSW, OP_NOT_STARTWITH
- startwith, SW, OP_STARTWITH
See Also