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Configuring reminders

Reminder messages are initiated by the Meridian application server and sent by a specified email server. These notifications can be sent to users to remind them of documents for which they might have received an event notification earlier but the documents remain in a certain workflow state. The reminders help to prevent documents from being overlooked and help to accelerate workflows. The users cannot configure which messages they receive and they may not decline to receive them. Additional messages can be sent by user-configured subscriptions or event notifications or by programming custom notifications.

You configure reminders by scheduling a task on the Meridian application server to send messages to the members of selected recipient groups. The groups are the same as are selected for event notifications as described in Configuring event notifications. The messages will list the documents that are found as the result of an existing saved search.

Note    Configuring reminder definitions does not configure how the messages are actually sent. That must be done by configuring the SMTP mail server options as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.

Before you begin

You must be a member of a group that has been granted the Allow Reminder Management privilege at the root of the vault.

To configure a reminder definition:

  1. In Configurator running on the Meridian application server, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Notification Settings. The Notification Settings page appears in the right pane. The page lists the existing notification definitions for the current vault with one icon and reminder definitions with a different icon .

Note    It’s important that reminders be configured from the Meridian application server because that is where the scheduled task is created and run from.

  1. Click Edit. The page becomes editable.
  2. Click New. A new reminder definition appears in the list with the default name New E-mail Notification and the name is editable.
  3. Type a descriptive name for the new reminder and press Enter. The name changes.
  4. Click Edit. The reminder definition’s Properties dialog box appears.
  5. For each tab in the dialog that represents a group of recipients, click or type options using the descriptions in the table in Configuring event notifications.

Tip    By default, only members of the Subscribers group receive reminders, so they must explicitly subscribe to the documents in advance. The reminder messages can be in addition to any notifications that users receive from event notifications or subscriptions in general. It might not be beneficial to send reminders to users in the To-Do Persons or Managers groups if they are already recipients of other notifications for the same documents. Avoid sending so many notifications that users will ignore them.

  1. In the Send reminders group, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Reminders options
Option Description

List the documents in this shared dynamic collection

Select an existing search that finds the documents that you want to list in the reminder messages.

Task name

Type a descriptive name for the scheduled task.


Click Set Schedule and configure a new task using the Windows Task Scheduler options. For information about configuring scheduled tasks, see the Windows Help.

  1. Click OK to save your changes to the definition and scheduled task.

Notes    The task may also be edited in the Task Scheduler Control Panel applet. The syntax of the BCReminder executable is as follows. If the -Q parameter is omitted, the saved search with the same name as the notification definition specified by the -N parameter will be used, if found. If a Meridian user group is specified for the -S parameter, the members of the group will be sent reminders if the Subscribers group is enabled for the notification definition that is specified for the -N parameter. However, the members are not added as subscribers for future notifications.

BCReminder.exe -V <VaultPath> -N <NotificationName> [-Q <QueryName>] [-S <GroupName>]
  1. You may also select and clear checkboxes in the To-Do Persons, Managers, and Subscribers columns of the definitions list that correspond to the users that you want to receive reminders using the current settings in the definition.
  2. Click OK to save your changes to the notification settings.

To edit a reminder definition:

  1. In Configurator running on the Meridian application server, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Notification Settings. The Notification Settings page appears in the right pane. The page lists the existing reminder definitions for the current vault.

Note    It’s important that reminders be configured from the Meridian application server because that is where the scheduled task is created and run from.

  1. Click Edit. The page becomes editable.
  2. Double-click the reminder row that you want to edit or select the row and click Edit. The definition’s Properties dialog box appears.
  3. For each tab in the dialog that represents a group of recipients, select or type options using the descriptions in the preceding table.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.
  5. You may also select checkboxes in the To-Do Persons, Managers, and Subscribers columns of the definitions list that correspond to the users that you want to receive reminders.
  6. Click OK to save your changes to the reminder settings.

To delete a reminder definition:

  1. In Configurator running on the Meridian application server, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Notification Settings. The Notification Settings page appears in the right pane. The page lists the existing reminder definitions for the current vault.

Note    It’s important that reminders be configured from the Meridian application server because that is where the scheduled task is created and run from.

  1. Select the reminder row that you want to delete and click Remove. The row is deleted from the definition list.
  2. Click OK to save your changes.
  3. Delete the scheduled task that was created for the reminder definition in the Task Scheduler Control Panel applet

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About email notifications