BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
Following are known problems with the AutoVue viewers in some Meridian Enterprise versions. These problems are actively being resolved wherever possible. Some of these issues are limited to the BlueCielo implementation of the viewers and are the responsibility of BlueCielo ECM Solutions. Other issues are native to the viewers themselves and are the responsibility of Oracle, Inc. Solutions will be provided as hotfixes or in future Meridian releases.
Restarting the client application resolves the error.
The AutoVue Document Converter will fail to install if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on 64-bit computers.
The borders drawn around hotspots can appear inaccurate depending on the computer's operating system. The region that the borders surround can be several pixels too large or too small in height or width. The location of the borders has no effect on the functionality of the hotspots.
The borders are drawn using the Autodesk RealDWG library that does so with a virtual graphic device so that the borders can be shown on any hardware graphics device. The screen coordinates of the virtual device are slightly different on different operating systems and in different versions of RealDWG.
The borders drawn by AutoCAD are accurate because AutoCAD does so with the hardware graphics device.
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