BCExtensionCommand PropertiesMeridian Enterprise 2013 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
The BCExtensionCommand type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyOnlineCanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from OnlineComponent.)
Public propertyCaption
Gets or sets the caption of the menu item that invokes the command.
Public propertyChecked
Gets or set a value indicating whether the menu item is in the checked state.
Public propertyOnlineContainer
Gets the OnlineIContainer that contains the OnlineComponent.
(Inherited from OnlineComponent.)
Protected propertyOnlineDesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the OnlineComponent is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from OnlineComponent.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the menu item can respond to user interaction.
Protected propertyOnlineEvents
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this OnlineComponent.
(Inherited from OnlineComponent.)
Public propertyIcon
Gets or sets the icon to display on the menu item.
Public propertyOnlineSite
Gets or sets the OnlineISite of the OnlineComponent.
(Inherited from OnlineComponent.)
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element.
(Inherited from BCExtensionCommandItem.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the menu item is displayed.
(Inherited from BCExtensionCommandItem.)
Public propertyWizardEnabled
Gets or set a value indicating whether to enable a wizard for the menu item.
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