Utils MethodsMeridian Enterprise 2013 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
The Utils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberConvertToSecureString
Converts a string to a secured string that should be kept confidential.
Public methodStatic memberConvertToUnsecureString
Converts a secured string to an unsecured one.
Public methodStatic memberDisposeOrRelease
Disposes the managed object. If the object is not specified, releases the specified COM object.
Public methodStatic memberHasFlag
Determines whether one or more bit fields are set in the specified enumeration.
Public methodStatic memberIsComInterfaceSupported
Determines whether a COM object supports the specified interface.
Public methodStatic memberQueryInterface T (Object)
Queries an interface on the object.
Public methodStatic memberQueryInterface T (Object, Boolean)
Queries an interface on the object.
Public methodStatic memberToUniversalTime
Converts the value of the date to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
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