BCHybridMainDocument MethodsMeridian Enterprise 2013 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
The BCHybridMainDocument type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttachHybridPart
Attaches a document as the hybrid part.
Public methodBeginNewRedlineVersion
Begins the new redline version of the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodBeginNewThumbnailVersion
Begins the new thumbnail version of the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodCopy(BCFolder)
Creates a copy of the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public methodCopy(BCFolder, DocumentCopyFlags)
Creates a copy of the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodCreateGlobalID
Generates a new value that uniquely identifies the document among all vaults.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodDeleteHybridPart
Deletes a hybrid part with the specified ID property value.
Public methodDeleteOutGoingDocRefWithID
Removes the reference to another document using the ID property value of the reference.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodDerive(BCFolder)
Creates a new derived document. The CopyWithParent property value is ignored.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodDerive(BCFolder, DocumentCopyFlags)
Creates a new derived document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodDetachHybridPart(String)
Detaches a hybrid part with the specified ID property value and default document type.
Public methodDetachHybridPart(String, BCDocumentType)
Detaches a hybrid part with the specified ID property value.
Public methodDispose
Releases the underlying wrapped object explicitly.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodEndNewRedlineVersion
Ends the new redline version of the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodEndNewThumbnailVersion
Ends the new thumbnail version of the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an OnlineObject to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the OnlineObject is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetDocReferences 
Returns the collection of outgoing document references (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocReferences(BCDocRefType)
Returns the collection of outgoing document references (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocReferences(DocRefTypeFlags)
Returns the collection of outgoing document references (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocReferences(BCDocRefType, Boolean)
Returns the collection of outgoing document references.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocReferences(DocRefTypeFlags, Boolean)
Returns the collection of outgoing document references.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocReferences(BCDocRefType, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns the collection of document references.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocReferences(DocRefTypeFlags, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns the collection of document references.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetDocumentInfo
Returns various document information in a single call.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetNavigationPath
Returns a navigation path according to the given navigation view.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments 
Returns the collection of outgoing referenced documents (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments(BCDocRefType)
Returns the collection of outgoing referenced documents (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments(DocRefTypeFlags)
Returns the collection of outgoing referenced documents (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments(BCDocRefType, Boolean)
Returns the collection of outgoing referenced documents.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments(DocRefTypeFlags, Boolean)
Returns the collection of outgoing referenced documents.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments(BCDocRefType, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns the collection of referenced documents.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetReferencedDocuments(DocRefTypeFlags, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns the collection of referenced documents.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodGetSequence
Returns a sequence with the specified name. If the sequence does not exist, creates it.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public methodGetSequenceList
Returns an array of all available sequences.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodHasRedlineData
Checks if any redline information is stored for the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodHybridParts 
Returns a collection of all parts of the document. The collection is sorted ascending on the DisplayName property value.
Public methodHybridParts(BCCollectionBase BCPropertyDef )
Returns a collection of all parts of the document. The collection is sorted ascending on the DisplayName property value.
Public methodHybridParts(BCCollectionBase BCPropertyDef , SortKind)
Returns a collection of all parts of the document.
Public methodIncomingDocRefs 
Returns a collection of all BCDocRef objects that reference the document (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodIncomingDocRefs(BCDocRefType)
Returns a collection of BCDocRef objects that reference the document (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodIncomingDocRefs(BCDocRefType, Boolean)
Returns a collection of BCDocRef objects that reference the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodIncomingDocuments 
Returns a collection of BCDocument objects that reference the document (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodIncomingDocuments(BCDocRefType)
Returns a collection of BCDocument objects that reference the document (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodIncomingDocuments(BCDocRefType, Boolean)
Returns a collection of BCDocument objects that reference the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodLoadProperties
Returns a property collection for a property set with the specified name.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodMove
Moves the object to another folder.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public methodNewDocRef
Creates a reference between the document (source) and a specified one (destination).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodNewHybridPart 
Creates an empty hybrid part.
Public methodNewHybridPart(String)
Creates an empty hybrid part with the specified display name.
Protected methodOnDispose
The method is called on the Dispose  method call. Derived classes should override the method to perform custom disposing.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodOutgoingDocRefs 
Returns a collection of BCDocRef objects that reference other documents (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOutgoingDocRefs(BCDocRefType)
Returns a collection of BCDocRef objects that reference to other documents (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOutgoingDocRefs(BCDocRefType, Boolean)
Returns a collection of BCDocRef objects that reference other documents.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOutgoingDocuments 
Returns a collection of BCDocument objects referenced by the document (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOutgoingDocuments(BCDocRefType)
Returns a collection of BCDocument objects referenced by the document (not recursively).
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodOutgoingDocuments(BCDocRefType, Boolean)
Returns a collection of BCDocument objects referenced by the document.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodReplace(BCFolder)
Replaces the document from the given instance. Sets the document state to DWFS_RETIRED.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodReplace(BCFolder, DocumentCopyFlags)
Replaces the document from the given instance. Sets the document state to DWFS_RETIRED.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodSaveProperties
Saves a property collection.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Public methodSetFullTextReindex
Resets property _FTUPDATED.
(Inherited from BCDocument.)
Protected methodThrowIfDisposed
Throws the OnlineObjectDisposedException exception if the underlying object has been disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a OnlineString that represents the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
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See Also