Connection MigrateDocument Method BlueCielo Meridian Connection API 2013 Reference Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Converts a document currently in document type workflow to a state in a workflow definition. This method is only supported when Work Isolation Mode is turned off and the document itself is not released. It can also be used to make a transition (reroute) from one state to another within the same workflow definition and to make a transition to the Released state either by revoking the workflow (if it is in the beginning state) or by releasing the document if it is in an end state.

Namespace: ICMeridianAPI
Assembly: ICMeridianAPI (in ICMeridianAPI.dll) Version: (

public void MigrateDocument(
	string vaultidentifier,
	string docid,
	string wfdef,
	string wfstate = "",
	string comments = "",
	Object todopersons = null,
	string transition = ""


Type: OnlineSystem String
The vault in which the document resides.
Type: OnlineSystem String
The unique identifier of the document inside the vault.
Type: OnlineSystem String
The internal name of the advanced document workflow definition to which this document should be converted.
wfstate (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem String
The internal name of the workflow state in the definition the document should be set to as current workflow state.
comments (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem String
Optional string. Comment to be written in the comment log of the file.
todopersons (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem Object
Optional. An array of strings each representing a todo person
transition (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem String
Optional. Name of the transition to be executed.

If workflow target state is not specified, then the requested TRANSITION of the requested workflow definition is attempted to be executed.
See Also