BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 VBScript API Reference | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Understanding the Meridian object model > About the Folder object > The Folder object properties

The Folder object properties

The Folder object provides the following properties, most of which are read-only. To affect some read-only properties requires user interaction or custom event procedures.

Note    The AMProjectWorkflowPropertySet property set is assigned to a folder type when a workflow definition is assigned to the folder type. If the workflow definition is unassigned later, the property set will remain assigned to the folder type and cannot be removed. This is necessary to support vault history and is similar to property sets assigned to document types. Also, if the folder type is assigned to multiple levels of a Field-Path definition, the values returned to documents in the structure will be from the immediately previous level. Because the value can be inconsistent, routed properties should only be used in vault customization with great care.

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