BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Configuration improvements
The following improvements have been made to vault configuration:
- Multivalue string properties are now supported. A configurable separator character may be defined, which causes the property to display a drop-down combobox control on property pages from which users can select multiple values read from a lookup list, table, or other source.
- Options have been added to the Validation page of custom properties to specify a VBScript expression that can be used to validate a user's input that is selected from a lookup list generated by another VBScript expression.
- VBScript expressions for a property are now validated when exiting edit mode in the Configurator even if the validation options are disabled.
- Searching in the VBScript editor has been improved to use highlighted text as the default text for new searches.
- A new option Use shared transaction has been added for external property pages to allow them to be used as wizard pages.
- New privileges have been add to the vault configuration to control access to table data: Get entries, Update entries, Add entries, Delete entries.
Note The new privileges are not available for existing tables immediately after upgrading to this release. To add the new privileges, click the Privileges button on the table's General page in Configurator. The new privileges are available for new tables that are created with this release or higher.
- If multiple Configurator sessions are active, only the first session is allowed to save changes. All other sessions are read-only and a warning is shown.
- The layout of property page panel elements may now be in a dynamic array with the visibility and behavior of each element controlled by the value of a specified property. This makes defining one property page useful for multiple different document types. The controlling property can be used to distinguish between document types, workflow states, user security roles, and other conditions that you require. Convenient controls are also provided to set a fixed field width and VBScript expressions to control the visibility and read-only behavior of multiple panel elements at one time.
- Registry keys that control the icon shown for and the command line that is executed by document shortcuts returned by the Vault.ComposeURL method are now installed by the setup programs.
- Table entries may now be sorted on one or more columns.
- Table column names may now be edited directly in Configurator.
- The initial state of documents that use workflow definitions may now be selected in Configurator and the workflow diagram is shown.
- Options have been added to briefcase configuration to export and import thumbnail images in briefcases.
For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide.