The BCExtensionCommandItemCollectionEditor type exposes the following members.


Protected propertyCollectionItemType
Gets the data type of each item in the collection.
(Inherited from CollectionEditor.)
Protected propertyCollectionType
Gets the data type of the collection object.
(Inherited from CollectionEditor.)
Protected propertyContext
Gets a type descriptor that indicates the current context.
(Inherited from CollectionEditor.)
Protected propertyHelpTopic
Gets the Help keyword to display the Help topic or topic list for when the editor's dialog box Help button or the F1 key is pressed.
(Inherited from CollectionEditor.)
Public propertyIsDropDownResizable
Gets a value indicating whether drop-down editors should be resizable by the user.
(Inherited from UITypeEditor.)
Protected propertyNewItemTypes
Gets the available types of items that can be created for this collection.
(Inherited from CollectionEditor.)

See Also