BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

ReleaseData method

Called when a page is closed or a different object is selected by the user. The page should respond by releasing all references to Meridian Enterprise objects and resetting any other data that is specific to the currently selected object.


The page will be reused to display properties of another object using another transaction, so the page’s code must use the ReleaseData method to reset itself to a neutral state. ReleaseData will also be invoked when a page is refreshed or switched to, or from edit mode. This is because the Meridian Enterprise client application starts a new transaction.

By default, m_Designer.ReleaseData is invoked to release the data used by data-bound controls. This code should never be removed.

Following is the default extension of this method in the form templates:

Private Sub IAMExtensionPage_ReleaseData()
    On Error GoTo Error_handler
    If Not m_Designer Is Nothing Then
        ' Todo
        ' Add your code here
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox caption & " ReleaseData: " & Err.Description
End Sub

In many cases, no extra code needs to be added to the default extension.

Related information

IAMUIExtensionDesigner object

IAMExtensionPage interface

About manual vs. automatic data binding

InitWithData method

ApplyChanges method

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