BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

IAMTableViewCollection interface

This interface is used to contain a collection of objects. It allows client applications to collect large amounts of information efficiently over a network connection.

Members (AMTableViewCollection)
Name Description

Add method

Adds an element to the collection

Count property

The number of elements in the collection

Index property

The index of an element identified with its ID, Name, or Display Name

Item property

The index of an element identified with its index, ID, Name or Display Name

Move method

Changes the position of an element inside the collection

Remove method

Removes an element from the collection

Tag property

Reserved. See “About reserved objects, methods, and properties.”

Members (AMTableViewROCollection)
Name Description

Count property

The number of elements in the collection


The index of an element identified with its ID, Name, or Display Name

Item property

The index of an element identified with its index, ID, Name, or Display Name

Tag property

Reserved. See “About reserved objects, methods, and properties.”

Members (IAMTableView)
Name Description

CacheResults property

Reserved. See “About reserved objects, methods, and properties.”

ColumnCount property

The number of properties

GetMultipleRowColumns method

Returns an array of rows for the objects in the tableview.

Each row is an array of values.

Index 0 : The ObjectID

Index 1 : The ClassID

Index n: The properties defined when creating the tableview

StartRow: The first row has index 0.

NumberOfRows = -1 will return all rows.

GetRowAMID method

Returns the Object ID for an object in the tableview.

GetRowClassID method

Returns the Class ID for an object in the tableview.

GetRowColumn method

Returns a single value from the tableview.

RowCount property

The number of objects in the tableview.


The interfaces can be used as VB collections. They can be iterated using the For Each...Next statement.

For large collections it can be a performance problem to iterate all objects in the collection. When only property values are required, you should consider using the IAMTableView interface (GetRowColumn).

Dim tv As IAMTableView
Dim DocTypes as AMTableViewCollection
Dim ID As String

Set DocTypes = Repository.Environment.DocumentTypes
If DocTypes.Count > 0 Then
    Set tv = DocTypes
    ' Get ID of the first document type
    ID = tv.GetRowAMID ( 0 )
End If

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