BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

IAMRefreshHost interface

This interface allows custom pages to control the state of the entire PropertySheet control frame that combines multiple property pages from different extensions in one set.

Name Description

Refresh method

Refreshes the entire frame and make all pages reread information from the vault object.

ObjectName property

String. Sets new object name in frame caption if page renamed object.

Features property

Long. General frame capabilities. See AMPS_FLAGS constants.


Identify the frame’s button state as a value from AMPP_BUTTONS constants and get or set the state with a combination of AMPS_FLAGS constants.

Related information

CanApply property

Name property

OnShow method

IAMPagesFrame interface

Dim rh As IAMRefreshHost
Set rh = m_Designer.GetHostService(SERVICE_REFRESHHOST)
‘Rename current document
Dim Doc As AMDocument
Set Doc = Designer.ExtensionHost.CurrentObject
Doc.DisplayName = ‘New Name”
‘Refresh frame caption
rh.ObjectName = “New Object Name”
‘Refresh other pages

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