BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

GetLookupList_Modified procedure

The GetLookupList_Modifiedprocedure returns the value of the AMFSObjectPropertySet._MODIFIED property for the lookup list object.

Public Function GetLookupList_Modified(dr As AMDocumentRepository, lulist As AMLookupList) As Variant
Dim llvalues As Variant
Dim propset As AMPropertySet
Dim propdefs As AMTableViewCollection
Set propset = dr.Environment.PropertySets.Item("AMFSObjectPropertySet")
Set propdefs = propset.PropertyDefs
llvalues = dr.LoadPropertyValues(lulist, propset)
GetLookupList_Modified = llvalues(propdefs.Index("_MODIFIED"))
End Function

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