BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

ConnectToServer method

The Task Server will always call the ConnectToServer method first. If the task extension does not require access to a vault, it should return False. If the task extension returns True, it should modify the parameter values as required.

The first four parameters determine which vault the Task Server will open. By default, these values are received from the client application that submitted the task. These values can be changed to connect to another vault.

The last two parameters determine the user account that will be used to open the vault. On input the user name is the name of the user that submitted the task. We recommend you use the user account of the Task Server itself (usually System). This can be done by clearing the User parameter. To use another account, you should provide the correct user name and password.

Private Function IAMTask_ConnectToServer(EDMServer As String,
                 Datastore As String,
                 Section As String,
                 WorkAreaID As String,
                 User As String,
                 Optional Password As Variant) As Boolean

Name Description

The computer name of the Meridian Enterprise server that hosts the vault.


The datastore name for the vault.


The vault section name. Leave this parameter empty to open the default section.


The ID of the work area that should be opened. By default the Main area will be used.


User account name.


Password for the user account.

Return Value

If the task extension does not require access to a vault, it should return False.


Following is the default implementation of the ConnectToServermethod.

If the task extension requires access to a vault, this code should be modified as follows:

Private Function IAMTask_ConnectToServer(
EDMServer As String,
Datastore As String,
Section As String,
WorkAreaID As String,
User As String, 
Optional Password As Variant) As Boolean
If (False) Then
EDMServer = EDMServer   'The name of the Meridian Enterprise server computer
Datastore = Datastore   'The name of the datastore to connect to
Section = ""            'The name of the section to connect to 
WorkAreaID = ""         'Main area context
If False Then
User = "UserName"   ' set user account
Password = ""        ' set password
User = ""            ' Use default (Task Server Service) account (recommended)
' Password not required
End If
' Create AMDocumentRepository
IAMTask_ConnectToServer = True
' No AMDocumentRepository required
IAMTask_ConnectToServer = False
End If
End Function

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