BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

BeforeRegisterExtension event

Occurs just before the interface extension is registered to a vault in the Configurator.

Private Sub AMUIExtension_BeforeRegisterExtension(ByVal Environment As AMEDM.IAMEDMEnvironment, CreatePropertySet As Boolean)
    On Error GoTo error_handler
    Dim dsg As AMUIExtension
    Set dsg = Me
    ' Create a new document type that will use the extension
    Dim DocType As AMDocumentType
    Set DocType = Environment.NewDocumentType("CADDrawing")
    ' Note this sample code has limited error handling.
    ' This code should handle the situation where it is executed more than once
    ' and the document type already exists
    DocType.DisplayName = "CAD Drawing"
    ' Here you would set some other document type properties
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Related information

AfterRegisterExtension event

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