BlueCielo Meridian Connection API 2012 Reference Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Installing the files
The Meridian Connection API must be installed on all of the client computers where it will be used.

To install the Meridian Connection API with the setup program:

  1. Open the 32-bit Windows Installer Package to start the installation process.
  2. On 64-bit computers, also open the 64-bit package.

The 32-bit ICMeridianAPI.DLL file will be installed in the folder C:\Program Files\IC-Meridian\Extensions\InnoCielo Meridian Extension - ICMeridianAPI - x86. The 64-bit ICMeridianAPI.DLL file will be installed in the folder C:\Program Files\IC-Meridian\Extensions\InnoCielo Meridian Extension - ICMeridianAPI - x64.

The Meridian Connection API is now ready to use.