BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About vaults > About the Field-Path definition > Creating the initial Field-Path definition

Creating the initial Field-Path definition

Creating an initial Field-Path definition maps key document properties to specific levels in the folder structure of a vault. The values of these properties when new documents are created or imported are then used to create new folders as necessary to store the documents.

Before you begin

The properties that you want to use in the Field-Path definition must already exist. For information on creating properties, see Creating and editing custom properties.

Warning    Changing the initial Field-Path definition of a vault with many existing documents requires that Meridian recalculate the path of every document and possibly move the document, which can take a long time in a large vault. For these reasons, this task should only be performed during non-production hours when no users are connected to the vault.

Note    Changing the initial Field-Path definition of a vault with existing documents requires that all documents be in a released state before they can be moved to new locations. This may not be practical, and you should consider using the Change Definition command instead.

To create the Field-Path definition:

  1. In Configurator, on the Vault menu, point to Field-Path and then select Define Initial Definition. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Yes button. The Define Initial Definition dialog box appears showing the current Field-Path folder structure.
  3. Select an existing level below which you want to add a new level or branch and click the New Level button . The Add Level dialog box appears.
  4. Select an existing property from the list to control the names of the folders created at the selected level of the vault.

Note    Each property may only be used once in the Field-Path definition. It may not be used in multiple branches.

  1. Select the level type, either Normal level or Branch root.
  2. Click OK.

If you selected Normal level in the Add Level dialog, a new level is added to Current folder structure and the property’s name appears as the default in the Property list. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

Field-Path level options
Option Description


If necessary, select a different property to assign to the selected level.

Default folder type

Select the default folder type for this level. This option is cleared when a branch root is selected.

Defined folder types

Select the folder types that may be selected by users for new folders they create manually at this level. This option is cleared when a branch root is selected.


Select an icon to display for the folders at this level. This option is cleared when a branch root is selected.

If you selected Branch root in the Add Level dialog, the Branches for <PropertyName> dialog box appears.

  1. Type branch names in Add branch and click the Add button to add them to the list of predefined folder names. These names will be used for the subfolders that are created within the branch root property that you selected in step 4. Click the Remove button to remove a branch name. Click the Rename button to rename a branch name.
  2. When you are finished adding branch names, click the Close button. The specified branches appear below the branch root in the Field-Path definition.
  3. Select each new branch and then select the folder types that may be selected by users for new folders when they are created at this level.
  1. Use the buttons on the toolbar to add and arrange additional levels and branches to create the desired folder structure. The buttons are described in the following table.
Define Initial Definition dialog toolbar bbuttons
Icon Description

Refreshes the Current folder structure view

Adds a new branch or level


Moves the selected level up or down within the Field-Path definition

Deletes the selected level from the Field-Path definition

  1. Click the OK button to save your changes. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. Click Yes. The new Field-Path definition is saved and existing documents are moved to new locations, if necessary.

Related concepts

About the Field-Path definition

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