BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Viewing and editing personal settings > Configuring distribution groups

Configuring distribution groups

Distribution groups are used solely for sending emails from Kronodoc to other users or groups. If enabled by the system administrator, you can define distribution groups. Your system administrator may have created distribution groups that are public for all users and available also for your use.

To create a distribution group:

  1. While in a workspace, click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name, expand your user name, and select Distribution groups. A page listing your active distribution groups appears.
  3. In the section header, click New. An empty distribution group form appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Distribution group options
Option Description

Group name

The name of the group as it will appear in Kronodoc.


An optional description of the distribution group.


In the Users list under Workspace users and groups, select the users that you want to be members of the new distribution group and click . To select multiple users, press the Ctrl key while clicking successive user names. To select a range of user names, click the first user name and then press the Shift key while clicking the last user name in the range. To remove a user, in the Users list under Distribution group members, select the users that you want to remove from the group and click .


In the Groups list under Workspace users and groups, select the groups that you want to be members of the new distribution group and click . To select multiple groups, press the Ctrl key while clicking successive group names. To select a range of groups, click the first group name and then press the Shift key while clicking the last group name in the range. To remove a group, in the Groups list under Distribution group members, select the group that you want to remove from the distribution group and click .

  1. Click Create group. The page listing your active distribution groups reappears with the new group added.

To edit the members of a distribution group:

  1. While in a workspace, click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name, expand your user name, and select Distribution groups. A page listing your active distribution groups appears.
  3. Select the name of the group that you want to edit and click Edit members. A page listing the current members of the group appears.
  4. To add a user or group to the distribution group, select their name in the left Users or Groups list and click . To remove a user or group from the distribution group, select their name in the right Users or Groups list and click .
  5. Click Back to group list to save your changes.

To edit the properties of a distribution group:

  1. While in a workspace, click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name, expand your user name, and select Distribution groups. A page listing your active distribution groups appears.
  3. Select the name of the group that you want to edit and click Edit properties. A page listing the current properties of the group appears.
  4. Modify the properties listed in the preceding table as necessary.
  5. To change the visibility of the distribution group:
  1. Next to Group visibility, click Change. The Group <GroupName> visibility change page appears.
  2. Select an option from the New visibility list using the descriptions in the following table.
Option Description


The group is only visible to you.


The group is visible by all members of the group.


The group is visible to all users.
  1. Click Confirm change. The distribution group property page reappears with the new visibility property value shown.
  1. Click Save group.

To delete a distribution group:

  1. While in a workspace, click your name in the tab strip. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Settings. The configuration tree appears in the left pane.
  2. In the configuration tree, expand the workspace name, expand your user name, and select Distribution groups. A page listing your active distribution groups appears.
  3. Click the Actions button for the group that you want to delete and on the menu that appears, click Delete. A confirmation page appears.
  4. Click Yes, delete group. The distribution groups list page reappears with the group deleted.

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