BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 Supported Software | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Support life cycle

BlueCielo releases new products and new versions of existing products on a regular basis based on product road maps and release planning.

In order to have proper resources available to support the customers of these products, BlueCielo gradually stops supporting older versions in three phases.

The support phases are:

These phases make it possible for our customers to prepare for and plan upgrades and configuration changes.

The level of support that will be provided for the products listed in Introduction for each phase is described in the following table.

Support life cycle phases
Phase Description

Full Support

Fully supported.

End of Life Announced

Fully supported. However, plan to upgrade to the next available release within the next 12 months in order to maintain full support.

End of Life Initiated

Support is limited to answering questions and offering possible workaround solutions that might require upgrading to a newer version. No hotfixes or service packs will be made available.


Support may be discontinued in the future without notice. Such products are no longer supported in any way. Paid consultancy is available on request.

As each new major version of a product is released (for example, 2012), the status of older major and associated minor versions (if any) changes to the next phase until they are no longer supported. For the current status of supported versions, see Current support life cycle status.

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