BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About migration > Migration procedure > Migration from 3.4 to 4.0 with migration script > Before running the script

Before running the script

1. Stop Kronodoc 3.4 production server and Kronodoc 5.0 server:

> ~/3.4/httpd/support/stop_kronodoc_web_server> ~/5.0/httpd/support/stop_kronodoc_web_server2. Remove the 5.0 projects directory> rm –rf ~/5.0/Kronodoc/KRONO/projects

3. Move the 3.4 projects directory to the 5.0-structure, or create the required symbolic link.


> mv ~/3.4/Kronodoc/KRONO/projects ~/5.0/Kronodoc/KRONO


> ln –sf <your 3.4 projects directory> ~/5.0/Kronodoc/KRONO/projects

4. Dump the 3.4-database to the 5.0-database. The 5.0-database must be configured to have the character set AL32UTF8, see section Database migration.

See that no errors are reported. If any log statements are encountered that could not be converted, the script will state you where to see these. After you view them, you can decide whether or not to continue with the migration (Losing the invalid lines in the process).

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